About SOS
Samaritan Outreach Services (S.O.S.) operates as a charity food pantry funded by grants, and private donations. It is ran by three friendly and caring employees and over 60 dedicated volunteers.
The mission of Samaritan Outreach Services is to offer food assistance to area families, provide education and resources, and assist in locating emergency assistance for those in need in Highland County. Our services are provided to all individuals and families, of whatever race, creed, or condition, moving them toward independence and empowering their self-determination toward a higher quality of life on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level.
Eligibility for services fall within the guidelines of federal income levels. Currently we serve over 3600 individuals on a monthly basis.
Samaritan Outreach Services was formed in 1989 by Jean Carson and her husband Rev. John Carson, rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Hillsboro, Ohio. They along with Michael Maloney organized religious and community leaders to discuss how best to meet human needs in face of scarce social services in Highland County. They worked with both the Episcopal Appalachian Ministries and the Catholic Social Services in Cincinnati to create Samaritan Outreach Services.
Today, Samaritan Outreach Services is a a stand alone, non-profit organization serving the greater Highland County area.